Australia gladys berejiklian resigns
Australia gladys berejiklian resigns

australia gladys berejiklian resigns

The ICAC is investigating whether Berejiklian was in a “position of conflict between her public duties and her private interest as a person who was in a personal relationship with the then NSW Member of Parliament, Mr Daryl Maguire, in connection with grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Australian Clay Target Association Inc in 2016/2017 grant funding promised and/or awarded to the Riverina Conservatorium of Music in Wagga Wagga in 2018.” The Prime Minister wished her well at a Canberra news conference and said her important work would be continued by the NSW Coalition government. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Friday he had always known Ms Berejiklian as a person of “the highest integrity”. Ms Berejiklian said standing aside was not an option for her as Premier and she had no choice but to resign. “As it will be clear from the ICAC statement, the issues which it is investigating are historic matters that have already been the subject of numerous attacks on me by political opponents during the last 12 months,” added Ms Berejiklian. The investigation relates to a $5.5 million grant given to the Australian Clay Target Association (ACTA) in Maguire’s electorate in August 2017, as well as a separate grant to the Riverina Conservatorium of Music in Wagga Wagga.

australia gladys berejiklian resigns

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will probe whether Ms Berejiklian breached the public trust and was liable to encourage the corruption of her ex-boyfriend, former Liberal MP Daryl Maguire. “Over the coming days I will be talking to my family and colleagues about how I can best serve the people of NSW to continue to achieve these aims,” said Perrottet. NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet released a statement on Friday saying that he was considering a run for the leadership.

Australia gladys berejiklian resigns